There are Gifts I’d Like to Bring to You
There are gifts I’d like to bring to you,
A clasp of lovely things,
Not least of these is to help you find
Your graceful faerie wings,
For one like you should soar with rainbows,
High above the earth,
And glide and swoop that all could see,
Your beauty and catch their breath.
There are gifts I’d like to bring to you,
A warm and cosy cloak,
Woven full of shimmering jewels,
And strong as an ancient oak,
That you may draw from wisdom’s folds,
Artistic flowers and seeds,
Wrapped in love, and truth and light,
Fulfilling all your needs.
There are gifts I’d like to bring to you,
A purse with a piece of gold,
From the alchemists fire, to keep you young,
And never join the old,
For each time you spend this magic coin,
Another would take its place,
For one such as you should be ever new,
And ever smooth of face.
There are gifts I’d like to bring to you,
A gossamer cloth to spread,
You need only wish to see appear,
Fruits and nuts and bread,
If you wish to taste divine ambrosia,
And nectar glorious sweet,
Then join the Gods at a banquet fine,
And all your hungers meet.
There are gifts I’d like to bring to you,
But confess I am still poor,
Yet I give my vow that all that’s base,
Within me I will cure,
Meanwhile my love, I will not cheat,
I hope you receive what I can give,
All that I am I lay at your feet,
That in that hopeful light we‘ll live.
Courageously wide, welcoming open,
We will step through that ancient door,
And heal the pain of all that’s broken,
And we’ll be rich for evermore.
From my book ' Messages are Dancing in the Rain'