Live From Your Centre. This book is about YOU! You are much more than you have been led to believe. Within you are many dormant powers and qualities, and through the simple, practical application of your Twelve Archetypes on your Wheel of Life, your body, mind, spirit and soul can be revitalised and evolved towards your true self, the shining, unique being in your Centre. It celebrates who you are and takes you on a journey towards more of your individuality and the life you are meant to live. Do you need creative inspiration and new life goals? Do you feel stuck? Would you like to bring forth new energies that will aid in your healing? This work will point the way.
This is a Course for Life. It is not a theory, it is based on real, living energies that you can see, test and experience for yourself. It is a comprehensive identification of your consciousness in all its forms and reveals how to recognise, develop and balance them through the fundamentals of life - the Four Elements. Working with your Archetypes teaches you how to reconcile conflicts, both within and without, leading to your further evolution and superconsciousness. The work is all inclusive, everything and everyone is represented. All cultures, peoples, types of societies, paths to growth, political systems, sciences, knowledge, wisdom, faiths and religions have their place in the Circle. It is completely unifying, which is what makes it so dynamic and powerful. If it was applied worldwide, we could create goodwill to all, save our earth and ourselves, end wars and social problems, and bring all together in the quest for true happiness and a loving world. Revolve to Evolve.
The book is in two parts. Part One gives you background and how the work was discovered, and Part Two is the Practice. There is plenty of advice on how to get started on filling in all the colours on your Wheel, with many beautiful illustrations, suggestions and rhyming scripts that help you invoke each Archetype within you. Every bit of growth is fun and exciting, as you find new talents and abilities you didn’t know you had. To change our world, we must focus on individual growth. Would you like to enhance your life, increase your light and shine it on the world? Are you ready to lead the way? Open this book. . . .
The Magic in Loving Yourself. Do you want to be happy and live your life's purpose? Love yourself. These fun magic techniques will guide you on your way, helping you to reconnect to the love with which you were born. You arrived loving yourself, but, like most of us, you have become disconnected from your true radiance. You need your magic back.
We need to be taught to love ourselves again with simple methods that work. There are plenty to choose from; all you need to do is practise some of them for a few minutes each day and you'll take small steps that add up to an increasingly better life.
You will discover that your true self loves you. Your true self is full of happiness. You are a magical creation, connected to the source of all life, you are a divine being, brimming over with love. That's the real you. Treat yourself to the best gift of your life and give your heart these magic little treatments. It will bloom wide open and reward you with greater inner peace and happiness as your life improves in many ways.
This book is for everyone. Who doesn't need to love themselves more? Written as if the author is talking to you in the same room, it's relatable, packed with wisdom, humour, anecdotes and snippets of interest, plus the magics are backed up by the latest scientific research on how your thoughts and feelings affect you and your life.
If you want your health and overall wellbeing to improve, loving yourself is the way. If rediscovering the real, abundant, joyful you is appealing, this is for you. Give yourself the gift of your love. You deserve it.

Kill and Cure. Could this be you? Could you kill if you believed it was for a good reason? Would you encourage humanity to evolve in a different direction if you had the means?
In this imaginative and varied collection, most with a sting in the tale, normality is stretched, mindsets are challenged, and morality is questioned to the point of asking what would we capable of if our consciousness was pushed just that little bit further?
Meet a host of characters, some spooky, some nasty, some sweet and some wholesome, healers, ghosts, killers, cute children, angels, shapeshifters, ordinary and extraordinary folks with unusual powers.
From the darkly amusing, to the dramatic and thrilling, this is an inspiring mix of storytelling that is compassionate, insightful, sardonic and spooky in its many colours.

Picture This These stories, with Magenta Wise’s trademark variety of voices and genres, at times with a sting in the tale, will have you enthralled.
Here is a ghost, an angel, ordinary folks and children with extraordinary powers. How justified is revenge and how far would you go to get it? Is Sarah a powerful healer, Paul paints as he's never painted before, and now he's suddenly involved in a murder case. There's funny, naughty, scheming little Melanie, and what is old Maggie knitting up at the knitting club? Who is the homeless man and what is he up to? Can Liam learn to be a better man, can a soul be stolen and can the Child fight a monster? We meet Marc and Sabina who read minds; portals to other worlds and Harry who entered one. Aisling is on the brink, Emily tries levitation, and can the witches of the past return? We meet many fascinating characters in these imaginative stories which meld the everyday with the magical.
As you delve into Magenta’s second collection of entertaining stories, where she again stretches normality and challenges what is possible, you may be inspired to find out if you too have preternatural powers.
Full of amusement, spookiness, drama and thrills, these stories are compassionate, compelling and insightful.

‘Messages are Dancing in the Rain’ is a vibrant collection of poems by Magenta Wise. With her unique voice, she writes of love, creativity, grief, joy, magic and laughter, deftly portraying powerful elements within nature, spirituality, human emotion, and the art of self expression. With her perceptive views on life, love, relationships and social observation, she infuses the work with a visceral passion and lucidity.
With a drive towards self-development and metaphysical awareness at its root, this varied body of work has the power to move and inspire you as you traverse the joys and turmoil, the beauty, love and heartache of everyday living. There is a sense of the dynamic energy behind the mundane, a reaching towards self-realisation, evolution and universal love.
These poems plunge fearlessly into the depths of human experience, but through it all they will leave you reaching for the stars.

Dancing with Shadows and Ghosts. This vibrant collection of poems by Magenta Wise explores what is hidden, the invisible shadows and ghosts both within and without.
She writes, "So much is hidden. We ourselves hide so much and so much is hidden from us by others. We conceal our pains, our griefs, our hopes, our dreams, our true selves, our shadows, our darkness, our light, our ghosts past and ghosts present and sometimes even our joys. We hide from ourselves and others hide themselves from us.
What if we were to step out and open ourselves, reveal ourselves and make a new society?
Let us not run in fear, rather let us heal ourselves and each other and dance with our shadows and ghosts."
With her unique voice, she calls for universal love, rebirth, creativity, joy and magic. Her focus is ever on the powerful elements within life, nature, spirituality, human emotion and the art of self-expression.
There is the drive towards wholeness as she observes the metaphysical world and challenges the darkness that stands in our light. The poems are fearless, as she infuses her work with her usual visceral passion and lucidity. This work has the power to move and inspire as you are taken into the dynamic depths of human experience to emerge victorious, to face your shadows and to restore your light where it shines most brightly.